Buddy and Lucky Solitaire

by Mens Sana Interactive

The Developer Says...

City or countryside? Play Classic Solitaire where you feel like it today, with your pet friends Buddy and Lucky.

Players Like...

❤ Solitaire Gameplay

Players can choose between two classic solitaire modes in this game - Draw 1 or Draw 3. The cards move smoothly and responsively, providing a polished solitaire experience.

❤ Dual Card Decks

The game features two distinct card decks - one with cat illustrations for the city settings, and another with dog illustrations for the countryside environments. This thematic element adds personality and cohesion to the gameplay.

❤ Relaxing Environments

The visually stunning environments are a standout feature, with six beautifully illustrated scenarios to choose from, including urban cityscapes and serene natural landscapes. These calming backdrops enhance the relaxing nature of the solitaire gameplay.

❤ Exploration and Hidden Objects

Exploration is encouraged through a hidden object mechanic. Players can search the environments to find various items, which are then collected as in-game cards. This adds an extra layer of discovery and engagement to the overall experience.

❤ Intuitive Controls and Camera Perspectives

The game offers two camera perspectives - a tilted view that allows players to look around the environment, and a top-down view that provides a more traditional solitaire presentation. Both options work well and give players the flexibility to customize their preferred playstyle.

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