
by Altered Orbit Studios

The Developer Says...

Selaco is a brand new original shooter running on GZDoom, featuring thrilling action set pieces, destructibility, smart enemies and a fleshed out story taking place within an immersive game world.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging and Tactical Combat

Enemies in this game work together intelligently, utilizing flanking maneuvers and coordinated attacks to overwhelm players. To survive, players must remain constantly mobile, using cover strategically and carefully timing their shots. The fast-paced firefights demand a methodical, thoughtful approach, rewarding players who survey their surroundings and plan their moves. Even on lower difficulties, a moment of carelessness can quickly lead to a player's demise.

❤ Destructible Environments Enhance Tactics

The game world reacts realistically to the player's actions. Bullets chips away at cover, explosions shower the area with debris, and destroyed objects open new traversal paths. Players can leverage this environmental destruction to gain tactical advantages, collapsing barriers to create new sightlines or using explosive barrels to ambush unsuspecting foes.

❤ Diverse, Hard-Hitting Armaments

The arsenal includes a wide variety of weapons, each with distinct alternate fire modes that dramatically alter their functionality. The satisfying impact and powerful kick of each gun, from the devastating shotgun to the rapid-fire assault rifle, provides a tangible sense of firepower. Upgrading and customizing these weapons allows players to fine-tune their preferred playstyle.

❤ Exploration Uncovers Valuable Secrets

While combat situations demand the player's full attention, the levels encourage thorough exploration. Careful scanning of the environment often reveals hidden passageways, stashes of valuable resources, and other secrets. Environmental cues like flickering lights or cracked surfaces guide players toward these rewards, which range from tactical advantages to simple environmental storytelling.

❤ Unforgiving yet Rewarding Challenge

The game's high degree of difficulty is a major draw for many players. Enemies are relentless, and a moment's lapse in attention can prove fatal. However, the challenge is viewed as fair, with player deaths stemming from their own tactical missteps rather than unfair game mechanics. Overcoming these steep odds provides an immense sense of accomplishment, driving players to refine their skills and conquer even the most punishing encounters.

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