El Shaddai, originally released in 2011, is a unique third-person action adventure filled with a deeply artistic world-building, outstanding aesthetics and thrilling battles. Experience an incredible mix of 2D-like platformer action and a colorful 3D world in an exceptional setting.
Players have access to only four buttons - attack, guard, jump, and weapon steal/purify. This stripped-down control scheme belies a surprising depth, as players must master the interplay between these actions to defeat enemies effectively.
When an opponent is staggered, players can steal their weapon, which then becomes available for use. However, these stolen weapons become corrupted over time, requiring the player to regularly "purify" them to maintain their effectiveness. This creates an engaging loop of staggering foes, stealing their armaments, and keeping them in top condition.
Players must regularly switch between the three available weapon types - the fast-hitting Arch, the long-range Gale, and the powerful but slow Veil. Each weapon type has unique strengths and weaknesses, forcing the player to adapt their strategy to the situation at hand. Mastering when to utilize each weapon is key to success.
The combat places a strong emphasis on timing. Players must precisely time their attacks, blocks, and dodges to maximize their effectiveness. Button mashing is not an effective strategy, as enemies will quickly punish any sloppy play. This focus on timing-based action gives the combat a satisfying, skill-based feel that is rewarding to master.
The game's environments frequently shift between 3D action areas and 2D side-scrolling sections, providing a nice change of pace. While the platforming can be challenging at times due to the fixed camera, it serves to break up the combat and keep the gameplay feeling fresh.