Escape from “Yomi” – a dungeon filled with riches – and danger. Make use of your powerful skills and magic items to create exits and reach the surface alive.
Players can choose from 8 unique character classes, each with two specialized subclasses to further define their role. Furthermore, the game allows players to freely redistribute skill points and class specializations at any time, enabling experimentation and flexibility in party composition.
The game features a classic first-person, grid-based dungeon crawling system. Players navigate through the labyrinthine levels, uncovering the map as they explore. The game encourages thorough exploration, as players may uncover hidden doors, ladders, and other environmental elements that can aid their progress.
Combat is turn-based, allowing players to carefully strategize their actions. Each party member has access to a variety of skills and abilities that can be used to defeat the hordes of monstrosities encountered. The "Switch Boost" system enables players to convert skills into powerful, cost-free actions for a single turn, adding an additional layer of strategy.
Players can create various environmental elements, such as doors, ladders, and bridges, using special "Yomi Flowers" found throughout the dungeon. This allows players to customize the layout of levels and create new paths to progress, adding a metroidvania-like element to the exploration.
The game's progression system allows players to freely respec their characters' skill points and class specializations at any time, removing the harsh penalties associated with character builds in traditional dungeon crawlers. This enables players to adapt their strategies as needed without starting over.
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