West Hunt

by NewGen, Wandering Wizard

The Developer Says...

West Hunt is a 1-6 player social deduction game set in the Old West! Among the hardworking townsfolk hides an Outlaw or two causing mischief and mayhem across town. Luckily, there are eagle-eyed Sheriffs ready to sniff them out! No matter what role you play, you're sure to have a hog-killin' time!

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Social Deduction in the Old West

Players take on the roles of either an Outlaw or a Sheriff in this 1-6 player social deduction game. As the Outlaw, you must complete randomly generated missions, such as bribing the bartender, poisoning the water, or robbing the bank, without getting caught by the Sheriff. Meanwhile, the Sheriff must use their investigative skills to collect clues from mailboxes and carefully observe the townspeople's movements and behaviors to identify the Outlaw.

❤ Game Modes and Variety

The game features a variety of gameplay modes, including 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 matches, as well as the ability to play against AI bots. This variety, combined with the random nature of the missions and the Outlaw's abilities, helps to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging.

❤ Communication and Deception

One of the standout features is the communication and deception between players. Both the Outlaw and the Sheriff can use voice chat, which creates tense and humorous moments as they try to outwit each other. The Outlaw has access to abilities like teleportation, shapeshifting, sprinting, and smoke bombs, which can be used to evade the Sheriff or complete their objectives more effectively.

❤ Customization and Replayability

Customization options, such as customizable Sheriff skins and unlockable pet dogs that can stress out the Outlaw, add to the game's replayability. Players can enjoy multiple matches without feeling like they're experiencing the same thing over and over again.

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