
by Slava Bushuev

The Developer Says...

Eliminate hordes of monsters in a thrilling first person shooter - ILLWILL.

Players Like...

❤ Diverse, Impactful Weaponry

The game's combat centers around a satisfying and varied arsenal of weapons. Players can choose from a wide range of firearms, each with a distinct feel and purpose. The standard shotgun and assault rifle sit alongside more unique options, such as the "leech launcher" - a gun that fires leeches which can later be collected for health boosts. Every weapon packs a punch, with a tangible sense of weight and impact to each shot.

❤ Frenetic, Mobility-Focused Gameplay

Navigating the game's surreal, nightmarish environments requires constant movement and strafing. The player character controls smoothly, able to quickly dodge enemy attacks and reposition as needed. Levels encourage exploration, with secrets such as "violins" that grant temporary damage boosts hidden throughout the world. The environments themselves vary greatly, ranging from claustrophobic, maze-like corridors to sprawling, open arenas. Each setting has a unique, unsettling atmosphere, reflecting the game's Tim Burton-esque visual style.

❤ Challenging, Replayable Combat

Enemies in the game are diverse and capable of quickly overwhelming the player. Carefully managing resources and timing engagements is essential to survival. Multiple difficulty settings allow players to customize the challenge to their preferences. Even after completing the main campaign, the game incentivizes revisiting levels through unlockable modifiers that alter the rules and conditions. This, combined with the exploration-focused level design, ensures the combat remains fresh and engaging.

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