Cat Gets Medieval

by LetMeowt Games LLC

The Developer Says...

Explore an amazing fantasy world as a magical cat! Solve problems or create them! Save the kingdom from the evil forces! Co-op with friends!

Players Like...

❤ Expansive Open World

Players can freely roam and discover a vast, diverse open world, exploring a range of fantastical locations - from medieval castles and sprawling dungeons to pastoral farmlands and mysterious forests. Each area boasts its own distinct themes and challenges, encouraging players to thoroughly scour the environment.

❤ Feline-Inspired Platforming

Leveraging the agility and athleticism of the cat protagonist, the game's platforming mechanics shine. Players can effortlessly scale walls, leap between platforms, and navigate intricate environmental obstacles, delivering a satisfying sense of feline-inspired mobility and exploration.

❤ Unleashing Magical Abilities

A key highlight is the ability to harness a variety of spells and supernatural powers. Players can summon elemental attacks like fireballs and darkness lasers, as well as more utility-based abilities such as double-jumps and health regeneration. Mastering and upgrading these magical cat skills is crucial to progression.

❤ Diverse Quests and Progression

The game presents players with a substantial number of varied quests and objectives. These range from helping NPCs with their problems to delving into dungeons and collecting key items to advance the main storyline. The quest system, combined with character progression through upgradable stats and equipment, provides a compelling sense of purpose and accomplishment.

❤ Cooperative Cat Capers

One of the game's standout features is its co-op multiplayer, allowing up to 16 players to team up and explore the world together. Reviewers praise the cooperative nature of the gameplay, emphasizing the fun and coordination required when working as a feline fellowship to overcome challenges.

❤ Whimsical Charm and Humor

Underlying the gameplay is a pervasive sense of whimsy and humor. From the punny character names to the overall lighthearted tone, the game strikes a delightful balance between being accessible and engaging. The cartoonish art style and animations further contribute to the game's endearing and playful appeal.

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