
by FromLefcourt

The Developer Says...

A twin stick shooter without the twin stick, Gunlocked is a sci-fi action roguelike about careful positioning and upgrade selection. Manage unique targeting systems across multiple weapons and upgrades, as you battle legions of alien ships, and then do it all over again!

Players Like...

❤ Weapons Fire Automatically, But Require Strategic Positioning

One of the standout features is the game's unique weapon mechanics. Rather than controlling both movement and shooting, players only control their ship's movement. All weapons fire automatically, but they have very specific behaviors and firing patterns. For example, some weapons lock onto enemies, while others lay mines or place beacons. This forces players to carefully position their ship to maximize the effectiveness of their weapon loadout, adding an interesting strategic element as they consider how the different weapons' mechanics synergize.

❤ Maneuvering and Dodging are Key to Survival

Since players don't directly control their weapons' firing, the gameplay centers around constant movement and positioning. Players must be acutely aware of enemy movements and projectile patterns, carefully maneuvering their ship to avoid damage while ensuring their weapons can hit their targets. This encourages a more deliberate, thoughtful playstyle compared to traditional shoot 'em ups where rapid firing and bullet dodging are the primary focus.

❤ Diverse Pilots and Over 100 Upgrades Offer Substantial Customization

The game offers a variety of playable pilot characters, each with their own starting weapon and unique passive ability. This provides players with different playstyle options to experiment with. Additionally, the deep upgrade system features over 100 power-ups that can be obtained and combined in various ways. Deciding which upgrades to take during a run, and how they synergize with each other, adds substantial depth and replayability to the gameplay.

❤ Procedural Enemies and Randomized Runs Ensure Unique Challenges

Each run is procedurally generated, with enemy types, placements, and boss encounters varying from one playthrough to the next. This, combined with the randomized upgrade options, ensures that no two runs are exactly the same. Players must adapt their strategies on the fly based on the specific challenges they encounter, further emphasizing the importance of positioning and weapon synergies.

❤ Difficulty Options and Modifiers Cater to Various Skill Levels

The game offers a range of difficulty options and modifiers that players can enable, such as The Deep End which starts the player at a later stage with more powerful enemies. These additional challenges provide a way for more experienced players to increase the game's difficulty and further test their skills.

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