Time Master

by MorpheusZ

The Developer Says...

Zeno has accidentally banished his sister, so what now? Create paradoxes to help him complete trials and bring her back, obviously. Take on a wide variety of puzzles while collaborating with your past self and experiencing a fully-voiced cinematic story as you help Zeno bring her back.

Players Like...

❤ Manipulate Time to Solve Puzzles

At the heart of the gameplay, players can rewind time and collaborate with their past selves to overcome obstacles. This unique mechanic allows players to strategize and coordinate their actions, creating a fresh and engaging puzzle-solving experience. For instance, players may need to record a series of movements with their past self, then use that recording to assist their present self in reaching the goal.

❤ Challenging Puzzles Offer "Aha!" Moments

The puzzles consistently challenge players to think critically and experiment with the time manipulation mechanics. One reviewer described solving a puzzle as a "big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff," highlighting the sense of accomplishment when players finally reach their "aha!" moment. The puzzles gradually increase in complexity, introducing new elements like collapsing bridges and one-time activated switches that keep the gameplay engaging.

❤ Precise Platforming Adds an Extra Challenge

In addition to the time-based puzzles, the game also incorporates platforming elements that require precise timing and execution. Players must navigate treacherous environments while carefully coordinating the actions of their past and present selves, adding an extra layer of difficulty to earning the elusive three-star completion time.

❤ Versatile Puzzle Design Encourages Experimentation

Many reviewers praised the game's versatile puzzle design, noting that levels often offer multiple solutions or approaches. This encourages players to experiment and explore different strategies, fostering a sense of flexibility and creativity in problem-solving. One player remarked that the game's ability to consistently present new puzzle variations was a key strength.

❤ Relaxing Atmosphere Balances Mental Stimulation

Despite the challenging nature of the puzzles, the game's overall atmosphere is described as relaxing and calming. The soothing music, charming visuals, and gradual introduction of new mechanics contribute to a gameplay experience that is both mentally stimulating and enjoyable. Players appreciate the game's ability to provide a tranquil environment while still presenting brain-teasing puzzles to solve.

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