The Use of Life

by だらねこげーむず/Daraneko Games, PLAYISM

The Developer Says...

The Use of Life is a multi-ending adventure book style JRPG. The main character’s various attachments change in accordance with the choices the player makes, and the ending changes depending on “the use of life” you choose through your journey.

Players Like...

❤ Thrilling Combat with Timed Reflexes

Players take turns selecting three actions per round, then must time their button presses perfectly to dodge or block the enemy's attacks. Successful inputs grant advantages like increased damage or defense. The timing and patterns of enemy moves fluctuate based on factors like their rage mode and the player's equipment, demanding strategic decision-making and swift reflexes. This blending of turn-based strategy and quick-time events sets the combat apart, consistently earning praise for its engaging, skill-based design.

❤ Customizable Character Growth

Four base classes - Fighter, Samurai, Mage, Sorcerer - offer a variety of playstyles. As players level up, they can invest skill points to unlock new class abilities and stat increases, tailoring their character's capabilities. Additionally, "Curse Points" allow direct enhancement of key attributes like Strength, Speed, and Intelligence. This customization depth gives players meaningful choices in how they develop their unique hero.

❤ Impactful Narrative Choices

Conversations and actions throughout the adventure present players with weighty decisions that visibly impact the unfolding story. Reviewers highlight how these choices feel consequential, with branch points leading to divergent narrative paths and endings. The adventure book-inspired presentation, combined with dice roll mechanics for certain events, heightens the sense of unpredictability and player agency.

❤ Rewarding Exploration with Risks

Thoroughly searching the environment can yield valuable items, weapons, and other resources. However, these opportunities often come with a catch - dangerous enemies or hazardous terrain that players must carefully navigate. This risk/reward balance encourages thoughtful decision-making, as players weigh the potential payoffs against the perils they may face.

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