Nyaruru Fishy Fight

by 赤瞳大白猫, 猫尾巴制作组

The Developer Says...

This game is a Metroidvania game with intense battle. Explore the world and collection power-ups with your cute cat girl! When magic curse suddenly occurred in a small town and all the residents grew cat ears, the real cat girl Nyaruru started her way to uncover the truth...

Players Like...

❤ Movement and Controls

Players can seamlessly dash, double jump, and perform a variety of aerial maneuvers, allowing for incredibly smooth and responsive controls. The character's swift movement feels "shmoovin'," with a high skill ceiling that enables players to execute satisfying combat combos.

❤ Combat and Abilities

The protagonist's combat toolkit includes a fish sword for melee attacks, as well as special moves like an upward slash to knock enemies airborne and a downward bounce attack. Unlocking and upgrading these diverse abilities is crucial for defeating the game's challenging boss encounters, each of which requires players to learn and exploit unique gimmicks and patterns.

❤ Exploration and Progression

The interconnected Metroidvania-style world encourages backtracking and uncovering hidden paths, secrets, and environmental puzzles that often test the player's mastery of the character's movement and combat skills. Discovering new abilities expands the protagonist's traversal options and progression through the world.

❤ Difficulty and Replayability

The game offers adjustable difficulty settings, with the "expert" mode providing a punishingly challenging experience that requires keen observation and execution to overcome. Multiple endings and the ability to replay boss fights separately add to the overall replayability, incentivizing players to experiment with different strategies and skill builds.

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