The Holy Gosh Darn

by Perfectly Paranormal, Yogscast Games

The Developer Says...

Play as Cassiel, a foul-mouthed angel trapped in a time loop with a mission to save Heaven. Use the magical clock bestowed upon you from Death (yes, that Death, from Manual Samuel, stop asking) to jump between timelines across Heaven, Hell, Earth and Helheim to stop Heaven from going boom. Again.

Players Like...

❤ Time Travel Mechanics: A Core Gameplay Loop

The core gameplay loop revolves around the clever use of time travel mechanics. Players harness a magical clock given to them by Death, which allows them to freely jump between past and present timelines. This time-bending ability is integral to progression, as players must use insights gained in the future to accelerate events in the past. The ability to rewind and fast-forward time creates a dynamic, non-linear gameplay experience where players constantly explore new possibilities and solutions.

❤ Streamlined Repetition and Backtracking

While time loop games often suffer from repetitive backtracking, the developers have addressed this issue elegantly. The game constantly introduces new ways for players to skip or bypass certain actions and interactions, allowing for a snappy, efficient experience. Instead of slowly retracing their steps, players can utilize upgraded abilities and shortcuts to quickly navigate between locations. This design choice ensures the time travel mechanic feels empowering rather than tedious.

❤ Engaging Action-Adventure Gameplay

The experience blends the time travel mechanics with an engaging action-adventure gameplay loop. Rather than static dialogue sequences, the game frequently interweaves NPC interactions with active gameplay scenarios, such as defusing bombs or playing minigames. This keeps the pacing lively and engages players beyond just listening to conversations. The action-adventure elements complement the time-bending core, creating a cohesive, well-rounded experience.

❤ Clever Puzzle Design

The game's puzzles cleverly leverage the time travel mechanics, requiring players to combine knowledge gained across different timelines to progress. These brain-tickling challenges encourage creative thinking and reward exploration, as insights from the future can often be used to accelerate events in the past. The puzzles strike a balance between complexity and accessibility, providing a satisfying sense of discovery without becoming overly frustrating.

❤ Metroidvania Progression and Exploration

The developers have also incorporated Metroidvania-style progression, with players unlocking new abilities and shortcuts that grant access to previously inaccessible areas. This encourages thorough exploration as players uncover fresh narrative strands and secrets triggered by their actions across space and time. The game's interconnected world design and emphasis on nonlinear progression contribute to a sense of agency and replayability.

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