Special Agents Mizuki and Ryuki, along with their AI partners Aiba and Tama, are tasked to solve the bizarre Half Body serial killings in this sequel to the critically acclaimed AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES.
Players praise the expanded and refined Somnium sequences, where they delve into the subconscious minds of characters. These puzzle-solving segments now feature more complex, logically challenging dream worlds that require careful observation and deduction to progress. For example, players must interact with a variety of imaginative objects and clues to uncover new information. Reviewers highlight the increased variety and creativity in Somnium designs, with each one feeling unique and memorable.
The game introduces a new gameplay mechanic - virtual reality crime scene investigations. Players can now explore 3D representations of crime scenes, scanning for evidence and piecing together details of the cases. Reviewers appreciate this feature as it provides an alternative to the Somnium segments and offers a fresh approach to the game's investigative gameplay.
Reviewers note that the gameplay pacing has improved, with a better balance between the various investigative elements. The game also implements quality of life features that enhance the overall experience, such as an improved auto-play function that doesn't pause excessively between dialogue lines.
The game features some action sequences that involve quick-time events. Opinions on these combat sections are mixed - some reviewers find them entertaining additions, while others feel they are awkwardly implemented and disrupt the flow of the game.