by CAPCOM Co., Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Rise to the challenge and join the hunt! In Monster Hunter Rise, the latest installment in the award-winning and top-selling Monster Hunter series, you’ll become a hunter, explore brand new maps and use a variety of weapons to take down fearsome monsters as part of an all-new storyline.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Responsive Combat

Reviewers praise the combat for feeling the most fluid and responsive in the series. The Wirebug mechanic allows players to quickly reposition and dodge attacks, making the combat more fast-paced and dynamic. This increased mobility complements the weighty, impactful weapon strikes. Many highlight how the Wirebug opens up new gameplay possibilities, like rapidly repositioning for powerful Charged Sword attacks or pulling off flashy Wirebug-enhanced moves.

❤ Weapon Variety and Customization

The game features 14 distinct weapon types, each with unique movesets and playstyles. "Switch Skills" - optional new moves that can be swapped in - allow players to further customize their preferred fighting style. Reviewers applaud this new level of weapon customization, as it adds depth and replayability to the combat.

❤ Streamlined Progression

Compared to previous entries, the progression system is more streamlined. The process of crafting upgraded gear is straightforward, with less reliance on complex crafting systems or randomized loot. This makes the loop of hunting monsters to craft better gear more accessible, especially for new players. However, some veteran players feel this reduces the depth of the game's systems.

❤ Difficulty and Challenge

The game is generally easier than previous entries, especially for experienced players. The Wirebug's ability to quickly recover from being knocked down is a major factor, providing a "get out of jail free" card that reduces the overall challenge. However, the core appeal of learning and mastering monster attack patterns remains. The endgame "Anomaly Investigations" are highlighted as providing a more substantial challenge.

❤ Multiplayer and Cooperative Play

Multiplayer and co-op hunting are core to the experience. The game's difficulty scales appropriately for solo or multiplayer hunts, and the ability to bring companion Palicos and Palamutes adds strategic party composition. Reviewers emphasize that the most rewarding and engaging experiences come from tackling fearsome monsters as part of a well-coordinated hunting party.

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