Keyword: A Spider's Thread

by City From Naught Inc., Gamera Games, idealCat

The Developer Says...

Become an investigator in Keyword, a narrative thriller where you’ll depend on skills of logical deduction, hacking, and social engineering to solve challenging puzzles as the only means of finding your missing daughter.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Logical Deduction and Problem-Solving

As Guo, the protagonist searching for his missing daughter Sala, players must carefully examine the information and evidence available to them, whether it be through accessing social media accounts, overlooking the city through binoculars, or uncovering hidden secrets. This emphasis on logical deduction and problem-solving is a standout aspect of the gameplay. Reviewers praised the logical nature of the puzzles, noting that while challenging, the solutions always make sense once discovered. The game strikes a delicate balance, providing just the right amount of difficulty to engage players without becoming frustratingly obtuse.

❤ Intuitive Hacking and Social Engineering

A key gameplay mechanic is the ability to hack into various online accounts, such as social media and email, in order to uncover important clues and leads. This hacking process requires players to deduce login credentials through careful observation and deduction, adding an element of social engineering to the investigation. Reviewers highlighted how this hacking mechanic feels intuitive and natural, blending seamlessly with the overall detective theme. The ability to freely explore these digital spaces and uncover new information through logical reasoning is often cited as one of the game's most engaging and rewarding aspects.

❤ Organic Environmental Interaction and Observation

In addition to the digital investigation, players can utilize the binoculars to observe the surrounding cityscape, peering into the windows of nearby buildings and apartments. This environmental interaction allows players to discover additional clues and details that can assist in solving puzzles. Reviewers praised this aspect, noting that the relevant information is always clearly signposted, encouraging players to think critically about what they observe, rather than feeling like aimless scanning.

❤ Flexible and Supportive Hint System

To support players who may get stuck on certain puzzles, the game features a flexible hint system that allows for varying levels of assistance. Reviewers appreciated this approach, as it enables players to choose the level of guidance they need, from gentle nudges in the right direction to more direct solutions. This hint system was lauded for striking a balance between providing support and preserving the sense of accomplishment that comes from solving puzzles independently.

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