Chess Knights: Shinobi

by Minimol Games

The Developer Says...

Chess Knights: Shinobi is an original turn-based puzzle game inspired by Chess. Become a Ninja in feudal Japan and prove your skills in the art of infiltration, sabotage and assassination.

Players Like...

❤ Innovative Chess-Inspired Mechanics

The developers have reimagined classic chess mechanics in a unique ninja-themed setting. Players control a Shinobi Knight, a chess piece that moves in the traditional L-shaped pattern of the knight, and must navigate through game boards filled with enemy Samurai pieces. The core gameplay loop challenges players to carefully plan the knight's movements to sneak past or eliminate the opponents and reach the end goal.

❤ Expertly Crafted Progression and Difficulty

The game features 50 hand-crafted levels, plus an additional 10 secret 'surreal' levels, that gradually increase in complexity. Reviewers praised the excellent pacing, noting that the developers introduce new mechanics at an ideal rate, allowing even those unfamiliar with chess to quickly grasp the fundamentals before facing more demanding challenges.

❤ Engaging Ninja Abilities and Tactics

In addition to the core knight movement, the game introduces various ninja-themed abilities and tactics. Players can hide in bushes to avoid detection and even eliminate certain enemy pieces through assassination. Reviewers highlight how these mechanics add an extra layer of strategy, as players must carefully plan their movements and anticipate multiple steps ahead.

❤ Captivating Atmosphere and Presentation

Reviewers consistently praised the game's excellent presentation, with beautiful depictions of ancient Japan environments and an original musical score that create a captivating and immersive atmosphere. The seamless integration of the visuals and sound design with the ninja-themed puzzle-solving challenge further enhances the overall gameplay experience.

❤ Replayability and Accessibility

The game's simple control scheme and accessibility have made it appealing to both chess enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Reviewers enjoyed the opportunity to revisit levels and experiment with different strategies, highlighting the game's replayability and the way it caters to players of various skill levels.

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