
by Black Mermaid, Humble Games

The Developer Says...

Push the limits of your combat skills, and master new abilities to progress through an unforgiving nonlinear 2D world. Face off against the relentless darkness that seeks to destroy you. In Moonscars, every death is a lesson learnt—and as you overcome each challenge, new truths will be revealed.

Players Like...

❤ Tight, Responsive Combat

The game's combat system is the core of the experience, blending fast-paced sword strikes with a focus on timing and positioning. Players wield a primary sword, capable of both quick and heavy attacks, while also equipping a secondary special weapon that provides unique abilities and status effects. These secondary weapons change with each new checkpoint, encouraging experimentation and adaptation.

❤ Mastering Parries and Dodges

Effectively parrying enemy attacks and precisely timing dodges are crucial skills to master. The combat rewards players who can read enemy patterns and punish openings, leading to satisfying, skill-based encounters. Complementing the melee weapons are a variety of "Witchery" spells, which consume a finite Ichor resource and add an extra layer of strategy to combat.

❤ Upgrades and Customization

Defeating enemies grants "Spite", which can unlock permanent upgrades and new spells at checkpoints. This combo-focused progression system incentivizes an aggressive playstyle, as players are rewarded for chaining kills. Additionally, a talisman (charm) system allows for flexible build customization, with talismans providing passive bonuses that can be swapped out.

❤ Challenging Doppelganger Battles

One unique mechanic is the Doppelganger system. Whenever the player activates a new checkpoint, a clone of the protagonist spawns, which must be defeated to reclaim the current special weapon. These mirror-image battles add an extra challenge, forcing the player to quickly adapt to fighting a copy of themselves.

❤ Difficulty Options for Accessibility

While the combat is undoubtedly challenging, the developers have included difficulty options to cater to players of varying skill levels. These include adjusting enemy damage and health, as well as the ability to reset the game's "Moonhunger" status, which increases enemy strength after multiple deaths.

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