
by Callback, Crytivo

The Developer Says...

A flying saucer crash-lands in a distant Russian village, turning a rundown kolkhoz into the first, thin bridge between civilizations. As the first point of contact, you must dictate how this encounter unfolds and ultimately determine history’s outcome.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative-Driven Gameplay

As the headmaster of a rural Russian kolkhoz (collective farm), players assume the role of the protagonist managing a steady stream of visitors to the crashed UFO in their backyard. The core gameplay loop revolves around deciding which guests to allow access and how to interact with the mysterious alien beings. The game's branching narrative and multiple endings are directly shaped by the player's choices during these encounters, empowering them to chart the course of this first contact scenario.

❤ Immersive Exploration

While not an action-focused experience, the game encourages players to deeply immerse themselves in the day-to-day life of the Kujlevka village. Exploration of the local environment, from the protagonist's modest home to the bustling streets, rewards players with additional context, character interactions, and narrative branching opportunities. The game's distinct visual style, complemented by an atmospheric sound design, work in tandem to create a palpable sense of place, drawing the player further into this unique Russian setting.

❤ Choice-Driven Progression

A key strength of the gameplay is the weight and consequences of the player's choices. Decisions made during conversations, interactions with visitors, and handling of the alien situation can have far-reaching impacts on the narrative arc and ultimate ending. Players must carefully consider their choices, as the game does not shy away from subverting expectations or presenting morally ambiguous scenarios. This choice-driven progression incentivizes multiple playthroughs to witness the diverse outcomes.

❤ Dream Sequence Exploration

Interspersed throughout the core gameplay loop are surreal dream sequences experienced by the protagonist. These abstract, symbolism-laden environments offer a break from the main narrative, providing additional context and thematic depth. While not directly tied to the main gameplay loop, these dream segments contribute to the game's overall sense of atmosphere and philosophical exploration.

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