The Troop

by Giant Flame, PLA Studios

The Developer Says...

The Troop is a turn-based, platoon-level tactical game set in WW2. From the early hours of D-Day to Falaise, play as British and Canadian or German forces in desperate fighting across Normandy.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Depth Rewarded

Players command platoon-sized units of infantry, tanks, and other vehicles in desperate fights across the hedgerows and villages of Normandy. The gameplay emphasizes careful maneuvering and combined-arms tactics. Moving units without considering line-of-sight and enemy positioning is punished, as the AI-controlled opponent will take advantage of any exposed or out-of-position units. Players must thoughtfully position their forces, use terrain and cover effectively, and coordinate their units to achieve victory. Reviewers praise the tactical depth, comparing it favorably to classic wargames like the Combat Mission series. The line-of-sight tools and emphasis on realistic unit behavior create a satisfying challenge to master.

❤ Worthy AI Adversary

Reviewers highlight the quality of the AI opponent, describing it as challenging and unpredictable, but fair and fallible. The AI varies its tactics and deployments from scenario to scenario, forcing players to adapt. Specific examples are given of the AI outmaneuvering player forces or making clever use of terrain and weaponry. This strong AI is credited with creating a satisfying and replayable experience, as players must continually refine their strategies to overcome the changing enemy tactics.

❤ Authentic Atmosphere

The game's maps, unit types, and scenarios are grounded in the realities of the Normandy campaign, with reviewers noting the inclusion of lesser-known units and equipment. The graphics and sound design contribute to an immersive atmosphere, with realistic-looking environments and impactful sound effects. Reviewers describe the experience as feeling like being there on the battlefield with our men, enhancing the tactical gameplay as players must consider the real-world capabilities and limitations of their forces.

❤ Customizable Replayability

The game offers several gameplay modes that add to its replayability, including a story-driven campaign, stand-alone skirmishes, and a dynamic Battlegroup mode with randomized scenarios and persistent forces. Reviewers appreciate the ability to customize settings and unit compositions to tailor the difficulty and experience to their preferences. While some players express a desire for additional features, the current single-player content is regarded as providing a satisfying and challenging experience that can be revisited multiple times.

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