The Infected

by DigX Studios

The Developer Says...

The Infected is a survival crafting game set in an open world sandbox. Build your base defend and protect yourself from wildlife and infected Vambies. (Hybrid Vampire-Zombie)

Players Like...

❤ Survival and Crafting Mechanics

Players must actively manage their character's hunger, thirst, and body temperature to avoid dying from exposure or starvation. The game features a robust crafting system that allows players to create a wide variety of tools, weapons, and structures from the resources they gather in the world.

❤ Resource Gathering

Exploring the open-world environment, players collect materials like wood, stone, and ore to craft better equipment and build their base. Each biome contains unique resources to discover. Players can also set up automated mineral extractors to gather materials passively.

❤ Base Building

Constructing and defending a base is crucial for long-term survival. Players can build a variety of structures like walls, floors, roofs, and furniture using the crafting system. An innovative feature allows players to pick up and move built structures, easily adjusting their base layout. The base serves as a refuge from dangerous wildlife and zombie-like "Vambies".

❤ Seasonal Changes

The game features realistic seasonal changes that impact the environment and gameplay. Freezing winters require players to prepare adequately to avoid succumbing to the elements, while summers allow crops to be grown. These seasonal shifts force players to adapt their survival strategies.

❤ Vambie Combat

Players must defend themselves from hostile Vambie creatures, undead enemies that can be very dangerous, especially in large groups during "horde" events. Combat involves using weapons like bows, spears, and melee weapons to defeat the Vambies. Players can also build traps and defenses around their base to help fend off attacks.

❤ Customization and Difficulty Settings

The game offers a high degree of customization, allowing players to tweak various difficulty and content settings to suit their preferred playstyle. This includes the ability to disable Vambie threats entirely for a more peaceful, building-focused experience. The wide range of settings makes the game appealing to both casual and hardcore survival fans.

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