Open Hexagon

by Vittorio Romeo

The Developer Says...

Four buttons, one goal: survive. Are you ready for a real challenge? -- Become the best and climb the leaderboards in Open Hexagon, a fast-paced adrenalinic arcade game that's easy to learn but hard to master!

Players Like...

❤ Navigating a Whirlwind of Obstacles

You must navigate a small cursor around the center of a constantly rotating, polygonal shape. Obstacles continually close in from the edges, forcing you to find and thread through narrow gaps to survive as long as possible. Two key mechanics elevate the gameplay: 1. **Swap**: You can press the spacebar to instantly teleport your cursor 180 degrees to the opposite side of the shape, enabling new patterns and strategies. 2. **Focus**: Holding the shift key reduces your cursor's size and slows its movement, allowing for more precise control through tighter spaces. These new mechanics, combined with the increased difficulty of the default levels, provide a greater skill ceiling and encourage mastery of the game's controls.

❤ Diverse Level Designs

The base game offers three distinct level packs, each with a unique take on the core gameplay: - The Cube pack features levels more akin to the original Super Hexagon, with steadily increasing difficulty. - The Hypercube pack introduces the swap mechanic and more experimental level designs, such as rotating obstacles and random events. - The Experimental pack contains just two levels, but they push the mechanics to the extreme, with innovative patterns and challenges. Beyond the base content, the game's true strength lies in the extensive community-created level packs available through the Steam Workshop. Players have developed an astonishing variety of custom levels, some adhering to the classic formula and others introducing entirely new gameplay elements.

❤ Energetic Chiptune Soundtrack

The game's energetic chiptune and bitpop soundtrack, featuring tracks from popular artists, is tightly synchronized with the on-screen action, adding to the frenetic and rhythmic feel of the gameplay.

❤ Customization and Community

The minimalist, abstract visuals are highly customizable, allowing players to tweak colors, effects, and even replace in-game sounds. The open-source nature of the game empowers players to go beyond simply playing, offering the opportunity to modify the game engine or develop their own custom levels using the Lua scripting language. This level of accessibility and creative freedom has contributed to the game's dedicated and passionate community, who have not only created an abundance of custom levels but also shared their high-score achievements, level-making tutorials, and personal stories with the game.

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