by Blingame, OKJOY

The Developer Says...

HAAK is a Metroidvania-Platformer. As the mysterious wanderer Haak, you embarked on an epic expedition across the vast cyber-wasteland to find your lost brother. Explore deserted cities and metro, refine your weapons and hack skills, and uncover the secrets behind metal and dust.

Players Like...

❤ Smooth and Intuitive Movement

Players consistently praise the game's fluid platforming, highlighting how the protagonist can chain together dashes, hooks, and other movement abilities with ease. As you unlock new upgrades, the movement system expands, allowing for increasingly complex and skillful traversal. Reviewers describe the responsiveness and precision of the controls as a standout aspect of the gameplay.

❤ Rewarding Exploration and Discovery

The game world is filled with hidden secrets, breakable walls, and optional paths that encourage thorough searching. Reviewers highlight the sense of satisfaction that comes from discovering these hard-to-find areas, with the map and unlockable abilities constantly opening up new traversal options to revisit old locations. The level design strikes a balance between guiding the player and allowing freedom to explore on their own.

❤ Challenging but Fair Combat

While combat is not the main focus, reviewers praise its responsive and satisfying feel. Enemies provide a good variety, requiring players to utilize the full suite of their abilities. Boss encounters, in particular, are called out as challenging but fair, rewarding mastery of the game's mechanics. The inclusion of an adjustable difficulty setting allows players to tailor the combat experience to their preferences.

❤ Empowering Progression System

The upgrade and progression system is frequently highlighted as a strength, with players uncovering a wide array of movement, combat, and utility upgrades that steadily expand the protagonist's capabilities. Reviewers appreciate how this creates a noticeable sense of growth and empowerment as the game progresses, without feeling overpowered.

❤ Compelling Gameplay Flow

Tying all of these elements together, reviewers consistently describe the gameplay flow and pacing as excellent. The combination of satisfying movement, rewarding exploration, and gradual power progression creates a compelling loop that keeps players engaged throughout the experience. The game knows when to push the player's skills and when to provide a sense of mastery and freedom.

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