Bears In Space

by Broadside Games, Ravenscourt

The Developer Says...

Unleash your inner bear in this over-the-top bullet-hell FPS! Embark on a zany retro-futuristic adventure and destroy oil-thirsty robots with an outrageous arsenal. Transform into a bear, wield unique powers, and embrace the absurd fast-paced action of Bears in Space!

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Responsive Gameplay

Players praise the game's tight, satisfying controls, highlighting the ability to double jump and dash as enabling dynamic, evasive maneuvers during intense combat. Comparisons are frequently drawn to classic "boomer shooter" titles, with reviewers emphasizing the game's smooth, skill-based gunplay.

❤ Diverse Weapon Arsenal

The game offers an exceptionally varied arsenal, with over 25 different firearms, melee weapons, and gadgets for players to discover and level up. Reviewers highlight specific weapons, such as the "legally distinct Unreal Flak Cannon", as being particularly satisfying to use. The depth of the weapon progression system, where kills grant XP to evolve each gun into more powerful variants, is widely praised.

❤ Challenging Bullet-Hell Combat

Enemies are said to unleash relentless waves of projectiles, creating chaotic, challenging encounters that require skillful dodging and positioning from the player. Reviewers note that the difficulty can be significantly ramped up through the game's customizable settings, providing a satisfying test of the player's reflexes and shooting abilities, especially on higher difficulty levels.

❤ Engaging Level Design

The game's environments, ranging from wastelands to space carnivals, are praised for their variety and focus on encouraging exploration and platforming in addition to combat. Reviewers highlight the levels as being packed with secrets, minigames, and optional challenges that provide meaningful diversions from the main path, striking a balance between linear progression and nonlinear exploration.

❤ Versatile Mobility Options

The player's movement options, including double jumping, dashing, and the ability to transform into a bear, are viewed as a key strength. Reviewers emphasize how these mechanics integrate seamlessly with the combat, allowing players to nimbly navigate the chaotic arenas and evade enemy attacks, further deepening the skill-based nature of the gameplay.

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