
by SmashHammer Games

The Developer Says...

Explore a world of creative building, interactive machines, and gears - lots of gears. Build all things mechanical: cars, trucks, cranes, tanks, gearboxes, engines, clocks, anything you can think of. Test your creations to destruction in challenging scenarios, and share them in the workshop!

Players Like...

❤ Constructing Intricate Mechanical Systems

Players praise the game's vast array of over 200 parts, including motors, gears, pulleys, joints, and more, which allow them to design and build incredibly complex machines, vehicles, and mechanisms. Reviewers highlight their ability to faithfully simulate real-world mechanical principles, from steering systems and transmissions to advanced contraptions like cranes and walking robots. The open-ended sandbox encourages players to push the limits of their creativity and engineering knowledge.

❤ Mastering the Challenging Building Process

Many reviews note the game's steep learning curve, as players must take the time to fully understand the building and control systems. However, this challenge is seen as part of the appeal, with players describing a sense of accomplishment when they finally figure out how to construct their desired mechanisms. The game's realistic and unforgiving physics simulation requires careful planning and troubleshooting, promoting a satisfying problem-solving experience.

❤ Extensive Customization and Experimentation

Beyond the initial construction, the game offers extensive customization options, enabling players to resize parts, change materials, and paint their creations. The scripting capabilities also allow for advanced functionality, with reviewers highlighting the ability to create custom sensors, controls, and even mini-games. This depth of customization encourages experimentation, as players eagerly test the limits of the game's physics-based systems.

❤ Engaging Simulation and Testing

Players can interact with their creations in a variety of ways, from driving cars to operating complex machinery. Reviewers mention the satisfaction of watching their designs come to life and the enjoyment of putting them through their paces, whether that's stress-testing their creations or intentionally crashing and smashing them.

❤ Fostering a Collaborative Community

The game has a dedicated community of players who share their builds, offer advice, and inspire each other's creativity. Reviewers highlight the value of being able to download and study other players' creations, as well as the potential for the game's mod support to further expand the possibilities. The sense of community and shared exploration of mechanical engineering principles is seen as an integral part of the experience.

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