Alien Hominid HD

by The Behemoth

The Developer Says...

The 2D side-scrolling shooter from The Behemoth is back! With your mighty blaster and a group of mysterious kids by your side, destroy the agency and reclaim your spaceship!

Players Like...

❤ Blasting Through Hordes of Enemies

Players wield a trusty blaster to blast through hordes of government agents and other foes. The responsive, fast-paced shooting mechanics never lose their appeal, rewarding quick reflexes and mastery of the game's diverse offensive options. Players can utilize grenades, execute close-range knife attacks, and even chomp off enemy heads - each option providing a satisfying way to eliminate obstacles.

❤ Navigating Diverse Environments and Challenges

The game features a varied array of levels, each presenting new obstacles and challenges for players to overcome. From treacherous environments to formidable boss encounters, the level design keeps the experience feeling fresh. As players progress, they can unlock additional difficulty settings, ranging from the forgiving "Easy" mode to the brutally unforgiving "INSANE" option. Mastering the game's mechanics and enemy patterns becomes essential for conquering the higher difficulty levels.

❤ Charming Visuals and Soundtrack Enhance the Experience

The hand-drawn, cartoonish art style perfectly complements the frantic, humorous gameplay. The character designs and environments are bursting with personality, creating a delightful world for players to explore. The upbeat, fitting soundtrack further contributes to the overall charm of the experience.

❤ Cooperative Couch Co-op Multiplayer

The local cooperative multiplayer mode allows players to team up and tackle the campaign together. This adds an extra layer of strategy and coordination, as players work in tandem to overcome the challenges presented. The ability to revive fallen comrades and coordinate attacks enhances the sense of camaraderie, making the cooperative experience a highlight of the game.

❤ Enduring Challenge and Replayability

Despite its relatively simple premise, the game offers impressive longevity and replayability. The various difficulty settings, leaderboards, and extensive collection of minigames provide ample reasons for players to keep coming back. Even seasoned gamers will find the higher difficulty settings to be a formidable challenge, requiring mastery of the game's mechanics and a keen understanding of enemy patterns to emerge victorious. This addictive gameplay, charming presentation, and rewarding progression ensure an engaging and satisfying experience for both new and returning players.

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