
by Pixelnest Studio, TyGAMES

The Developer Says...

Join Kat and her crew in an epic quest in Flipon, a juicy, fun and fast-paced arcade puzzle game!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

Players swap adjacent blocks horizontally using a 2-block cursor. This differs from the vertical block swapping in the series that inspired it, requiring players to develop new strategies. Players can also "flip" a single block into an empty space to move it left or right. Combining this with gravity effects provides multiple options for making matches and combos. The ability to continue making matches even as previous blocks are clearing adds depth, allowing skilled players to create impressive chains.

❤ Variety of Modes and Challenges

The 115-level campaign mode mixes different objective types, including survival, boss battles, puzzles, and challenges. This prevents the gameplay from feeling repetitive and introduces new mechanics and obstacles. The score attack mode provides an endless, high-score chasing experience, while the puzzle mode presents preset board configurations that must be cleared in a limited number of moves. Local multiplayer versus mode allows up to 4 players to compete against each other, adding a competitive element.

❤ Difficulty Progression and Accessibility

The early campaign levels serve as a gentle introduction, teaching the basic mechanics. However, the game gradually increases in challenge, forcing players to improve their speed, reflexes, and strategic planning. A level skip feature, which allows advancing after 3 failed attempts, helps prevent frustration and ensure the game remains accessible.

❤ Unique Mechanics and Innovations

While drawing inspiration from the Panel de Pon series, the game incorporates several unique mechanics. The horizontal block-swapping mechanic requires players to rethink their approach to the classic puzzle formula. Special powers that can be used during boss fights or versus mode add an extra strategic element. The ability to continue making matches even as previous blocks are clearing rewards players for their quick thinking and dexterity.

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