Legion Gold

by Slitherine Ltd.

The Developer Says...

Well-received by gamers and critics alike, Legion Gold is the expanded and improved version of its predecessor, Legion, and includes not only the original Legion game but a hefty expansion pack too.

Players Like...

❤ Commanding Massive Armies

Players can command vast armies that march across the ancient world in this game. At the tactical level, they position their forces and make use of different formations to achieve victory in battle. The game features an "automatic battle" system, where players give their units basic orders and then watch the battle unfold, without direct control over individual soldiers. This aims to simulate the experience of a large-scale historical battle, where commanders could not adequately give orders in the heat of the action. Players must carefully consider terrain, unit placement, and formation choices to gain the upper hand.

❤ Strategically Managing Cities

In addition to the tactical battles, the game also features a robust city management and resource system. Players must carefully plan the development of their cities, balancing the production of troops, buildings, and improvements. Resources are generated each season, but any new construction or unit training only appears the following spring. This creates a strategic element where players must anticipate their future needs and make decisions accordingly.

❤ Variety and Replayability

The game includes multiple campaigns that allow players to experience the Roman conquest from different perspectives, including playing as the Romans or as various barbarian tribes. The game also features randomized map settings, providing hours of varied gameplay. Additionally, the simplicity of the gameplay mechanics, combined with the ability to mod the game files, gives dedicated players avenues to extend the game's longevity.

❤ Nostalgic Appeal

Many reviews praise the game for its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia, with players fondly remembering it from their childhoods or earlier gaming experiences. The game's classic, old-school visuals and straightforward, yet challenging, gameplay seem to resonate with a devoted fan base who appreciate the game's enduring appeal.

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