Astral Ascent

by Hibernian Workshop, MP2 Games, Maple Whispering Limited

The Developer Says...

Choose one of four heroes and explore the Garden, an astral prison guarded by 12 powerful mystical bosses: the Zodiacs. Challenge them with dozens of unique spells and faithful friends by your side to unfold the story of this platform roguelite with lightning fast combat.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Satisfying Combat

Players consistently praise the game's fluid and satisfying combat. They describe the controls as "incredibly smooth", with a "very solid base" that provides "tight" and responsive gameplay. The movement and platforming mechanics stand out, allowing players to "jet around the screen" using an "invincible dash" and the ability to chain high jumps. The combat is fast-paced and intense, enabling players to engage in "screen filling spells and attacks" and even fight entirely airborne, "jumping between enemies".

❤ Unique Spell Rotation System

A core mechanic is the game's unique spell system, where players have a rotation of four spells they can swap between. Each spell has its own mana cost, and players use their standard attacks primarily to generate mana and cycle through the spell rotation, rather than for direct damage. This system is described as "quite unique" and takes some adjustment, but is ultimately seen as "really fun and rewarding" once mastered. The ability to equip "gambits" that modify the spells adds an additional layer of customization and synergy.

❤ Challenging Yet Fair Difficulty

Reviews highlight the game's challenging combat, particularly the boss fights, which are described as "fun" but "challenging". However, the difficulty is also noted as being "fair", with clear enemy attack telegraphing and the ability to consistently dodge and react. As one player stated, "getting hit and dodging in this game is a pure skill aspect". The game's difficulty scales through its "Ascension" system, providing a good challenge for experienced players without feeling unfairly punishing.

❤ Varied Character Playstyles

The game features four playable characters, each with their own unique weapons, abilities, and playstyles. Players enjoy the ability to "unlock dozens of unique spells for each of your characters" and "create your own build or try out new ones". The characters are described as "endearing" with great voice acting, further enhancing the distinct personalities players can choose from.

❤ Solid Progression and Replayability

The game's progression and replayability are also highlights. The "meta-progression" system, including unlocking new spells, auras, and other upgrades, provides a sense of meaningful advancement between runs. This, combined with the variety in character builds and spells, results in runs that feel "notably tougher or easier" depending on the player's choices. Overall, the game is described as having "infinite potential" and "infinite replayability" for fans of the roguelike genre.

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