Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

by Flux Games, GameMill Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Choose a side, master your moves, and embrace your destiny in an epic beat 'em up adventure inspired by the hit show. Take control of 8 playable characters with deep movesets, combos, progression, real-time character swaps, ultimate attacks, and much more!

Players Like...

❤ Mastering a Diverse Moveset

Players can execute a wide variety of moves and attacks with each playable character. These include basic punches and kicks, combo strings, delayed combos, grabs, throws, and environmental attacks that let players slam enemies into objects like trash cans and car doors. Each character also has access to four unique special moves and four dojo-specific special attacks. This extensive moveset allows for creative combo chaining and strategic depth in combat.

❤ Customizing Dojo Progression

As players progress through the game's levels, they earn currency to unlock and upgrade new fighting skills and stats for each of the eight playable characters. This RPG-like dojo progression system lets players tailor the capabilities of their chosen fighters to match their preferred playstyle. Investing in different skill paths for each character's special moves and dojo-wide abilities provides meaningful customization options.

❤ Seamless Character Switching

Players can seamlessly swap between the four characters in their dojo's roster during combat. This adds an extra strategic element, as they can react to different enemy types by quickly switching to the most appropriate fighter. It also enables creative combo extensions by chaining together attacks from multiple characters.

❤ Varied Encounters and Environments

While the core beat 'em up gameplay loop remains consistent, the game keeps the experience fresh through a decent variety of enemy types, each with their own unique attack patterns and behaviors. The levels themselves are also nicely varied, drawing directly from locations featured in the Cobra Kai TV series.

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