The Last Faith

by Kumi Souls Games, Playstack

The Developer Says...

A dark, gothic fusion of metroidvania and soulslike. The Last Faith thrives on merciless and precise combat with a huge range of weapons, firearms, and custom executions at your disposal. Let nothing stand in your way.

Players Like...

❤ Varied and Challenging Combat

The game offers a wide selection of melee weapons, each with unique movesets and special attacks. Players can wield swords, maces, spears, and other armaments, combining them with a variety of firearms to tackle enemies in creative ways. The combat demands precise timing and an understanding of enemy patterns, rewarding players who learn to evade attacks and counterattack effectively.

❤ Customizable Character Progression

Character progression revolves around a Souls-like leveling system, allowing players to allocate points into attributes like Strength, Dexterity, and Mind. This facilitates a range of viable builds, from heavy weapon-wielding brawlers to nimble spellcasters. The ability to choose from different starting classes at the beginning further enhances the build variety.

❤ Interconnected Metroidvania Exploration

The game's world is interconnected and nonlinear, encouraging thorough exploration. As players uncover new movement abilities and tools, they can access previously inaccessible areas, often leading to hidden paths and secrets. The option to mark locations on the map for later revisitation is a helpful quality-of-life feature.

❤ Satisfying and Challenging Boss Encounters

Boss battles are widely regarded as a highlight of the gameplay, testing players' mastery of the combat mechanics. These formidable foes demand careful study and learning of their attack patterns, providing a sense of accomplishment when players overcome the challenge.

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