Chasing Light

by Vittgen Inc.

The Developer Says...

'Chasing Light' is the story of the seven days of exploring the physical properties of a game and uncovering an inner world of human beings and society. Have a weird trip!

Players Like...

❤ Crafting the Game Experience

Players take on the role of a game director and producer, making a variety of choices that shape the development of an in-game title. They control elements such as the selection of music and sound effects, the number of enemies, the speed of enemy inputs and attacks, and other factors that influence the final gameplay experience. This meta-narrative approach encourages players to think critically about what makes a game engaging and meaningful, rather than focusing on traditional action or challenges.

❤ Unconventional Storytelling Unfolds

The narrative does not follow a linear plot, but rather unfolds as players make decisions during the game development process. This creates a unique, multifaceted experience where the story and gameplay are closely intertwined. Players have praised the game's ability to explore deeper themes, including the relationship between the creator and the created, the role of the player in shaping an experience, and the introspective journey of self-discovery.

❤ Immersive Atmosphere and Soundtrack

The game's visual and audio presentation is described as immersive and thought-provoking, with a strong emphasis on creating a specific mood and ambiance. The soundtrack and sound design, in particular, have been highlighted as a noteworthy aspect, contributing to the overall atmospheric experience. The use of abstract and unconventional visuals further reinforces the game's experimental nature, inviting players to engage with the experience on a more conceptual level.

❤ A Unique and Memorable Experience

Despite its unconventional nature, the game has resonated with a significant portion of its player base. The willingness to challenge traditional game design conventions and explore deeper themes has earned it praise from those seeking a more contemplative and reflective gaming experience. The opportunity to actively participate in the game creation process adds an extra layer of engagement and investment, making the experience unique and memorable for those who appreciate experimental and introspective gaming.

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