Door Kickers 2: Task Force North

by KillHouse Games

The Developer Says...

Command military Special Ops Teams in gripping tactical combat against a Middle East-based terrorist network. Sequel to RockPaperShotgun's "Best Tactics Game of 2014".

Players Like...

❤ Commanding Elite Special Ops Teams in Tactical Combat

The gameplay revolves around players commanding a team of elite special operations units, such as the U.S. Army Rangers and the CIA's Special Activities Division, in intense close-quarters combat scenarios. The top-down perspective provides an overhead view, allowing players to meticulously plan and coordinate the movements and actions of their operators before executing the plan in real-time.

❤ Pause-and-Plan Tactical Control

One of the game's standout features is the ability to pause the action at any time to rethink and adjust the approach. Reviewers praise this pause-and-plan mechanic, as it enables deep, thoughtful decision-making without the pressure of real-time action. Players can precisely time breaching maneuvers, coordinate fields of fire, and ensure their operators execute the plan with surgical precision.

❤ Variety of Tactical Approaches

The game's nonlinear level design and destructible environment encourage experimentation with different tactics. Players can choose to execute a carefully planned, surgical operation or opt for a more aggressive, loud approach utilizing explosive breaching techniques and overwhelming firepower. Reviewers highlight the freedom to "break any wall" and create new paths, further expanding the possibilities for tackling each scenario.

❤ Customizable Operator Loadouts

Players can tailor their operators' loadouts, outfitting them with various weapons, attachments, armor, and equipment. This customization allows them to adapt their team to the specific mission requirements, whether it's prioritizing stealth with suppressed submachine guns or leveraging explosive power with wall-breaching charges.

❤ Satisfying Gameplay Loop and Replayability

Reviewers consistently praise the immensely satisfying gameplay loop, where the planning, execution, and observation of a well-coordinated operation is deeply rewarding. The ability to watch the results of their tactical planning unfold in cinematic replays is widely cited as a highlight of the experience. The game's replayability is further bolstered by the unpredictability of each mission and the availability of a robust mission editor, encouraging players to repeatedly experiment with different approaches to achieve the perfect execution.

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