Race Condition

by Ravine AB

The Developer Says...

Set in a modern low-poly arcade world, players of Race Condition find themselves as a rookie in a highly competitive open-wheel racing league. A rivalry with one suspiciously good opponent complicates things further.

Players Like...

❤ Arcade-Style Driving Delivers Rewarding Feel

The game features intuitive controls and a physics-driven model that provides a rewarding driving experience. Players feel a direct connection to the vehicles, with the handling striking a balance between arcade accessibility and simulation-inspired dynamics.

❤ AI Opponents Present a Formidable Challenge

Reviewers note the game's AI-driven opponents react intelligently to the varying race conditions, making them a formidable force to contend with. While the AI's aggressive behavior can be frustrating at times, outmaneuvering these skilled competitors leads to a strong sense of accomplishment.

❤ Diverse Track Environments Enhance Replayability

The 21 tracks across 11 destinations offer a variety of weather effects, including sun, rain, fog, snow, and day/night transitions. Adapting driving strategies to these changing conditions contributes to the game's replayability and encourages players to master the nuances of each track.

❤ Time Trial Mode Fuels Addictive Score-Chasing

The Time Trial mode allows players to compete for new personal best lap times and even global track records. Reviewers highlight this score-chasing experience as highly addictive, driving them to revisit tracks repeatedly in pursuit of faster lap times.

❤ Accessibility Balances with Meaningful Challenge

The game's three car setups, ranging from the more forgiving "training" mode to the demanding "pro" configuration, enable players to tailor the experience to their skill level. Reviewers praise this accessibility, noting the game is easy to pick up while still presenting a significant challenge to master.

❤ Local Multiplayer Enhances Competitive Fun

The split-screen multiplayer mode for up to 4 players provides an engaging way for friends to compete against one another in the game's fast-paced racing action.

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