
by Obsidian Entertainment, Xbox Game Studios

The Developer Says...

Step into a living illustrated world in a time when Europe is at a crossroads of great religious and political change. Walk in the footsteps of Andreas Maler, a master artist who finds himself in the middle of murders, scandals, and intrigue in the Bavarian Alps.

Players Like...

❤ Dialogue and Choices

The game's dialogue system sits at the core of the experience, allowing players to engage in expansive conversations with a wide cast of 16th-century Bavarian characters. Each choice made during these exchanges can significantly impact the narrative and the fate of the community, with consequences often playing out over the course of multiple years. This creates a deeply consequential experience, compelling players to carefully consider the ramifications of their actions.

❤ Investigation and Exploration

While there are no traditional puzzles to solve, the game tasks players with investigating crimes and mysteries by conversing with NPCs, examining the environment, and piecing together clues. The relatively small game world, centered around the town of Tassing and the nearby Kiersau Abbey, is densely populated with characters and details to uncover. Exploring and revisiting locations is essential to gaining a deeper understanding of the story and its underlying conspiracies.

❤ Progression and Replayability

The game eschews leveling or stat systems in favor of a narrative-driven progression system, where the player's background and choices shape the story and the relationships they form. This encourages multiple playthroughs, as decisions made early in the game can have significant impacts later on. The game's branching storylines and alternate endings provide substantial replayability for players seeking to uncover the full scope of the mysteries.

❤ Nonlinear Storytelling

The narrative unfolds over the course of three acts, each set several years apart, allowing the game to explore the long-term consequences of the player's choices and the evolving social and political landscape of 16th-century Bavaria. The passage of time is a key narrative device, with characters aging and the world changing around the player's actions.

❤ Minigames and Distractions

Interspersed throughout the dialogue and investigation, the game incorporates occasional minigames and diversions, such as navigating a maze, playing a game of chance, or participating in theological debates. These gameplay segments provide a brief respite from the narrative focus, offering a different type of challenge for the player.

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