
by Flight School Studio

The Developer Says...

Stonefly is an action-adventure RPG in which you pilot a tiny robot mech. Hop along rocks and canopies while you upgrade your rig with an arsenal of wind abilities. Follow the journey of Annika as she attempts to recover a stolen family heirloom, strategically battling bugs across an epic story.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Mech Movement and Traversal

Players pilot a small mech that moves through the environment in an unconventional way - hopping, gliding, and zipping between rocks, leaves, and branches rather than walking or running. This allows players to freely traverse the large, nature-filled levels, with the ability to change direction mid-air giving a great sense of creativity and freedom in navigation. Reviewers widely praise this novel traversal system as a key part of the game's identity and a highly enjoyable aspect of the gameplay.

❤ Strategic Aerial Combat

In dedicated arena-like areas, players must defeat waves of bug-like enemies. The core combat mechanic revolves around using the mech's wind abilities, such as shockwaves and gusts of wind, to strategically knock enemies off the platforms, rather than directly damaging or killing them. This requires players to carefully consider factors like enemy movement patterns, their own momentum, and the arena layout in order to successfully control the positioning of foes. Many players highlight this tactical, physics-based combat system as a refreshing change from traditional action game combat.

❤ Progression and Upgrade System

As players progress, they unlock new abilities and upgrades for their mech, including traversal tools like additional dashes or teleports, as well as combat-focused enhancements for the wind-based abilities. Players can choose how to customize their mech, allowing them to tailor their playstyle and preferred tactics. This upgrade system, combined with the unique movement and combat, creates a satisfying loop of exploration, combat, and progression. Reviewers frequently cite the sense of growth and mastery over the game's mechanics as a strong point.

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