Poker Quest: Swords and Spades

by Thomas Wolfley, Playsaurus

The Developer Says...

Poker Quest is a fantasy roguelike where players use a standard 52-card deck to take on fierce enemies in epic battles. Featuring over 20 unique heroes, thousands of items, and deep gameplay that will test even the most experienced players.

Players Like...

❤ Card-Powered Combat

Players battle fierce enemies by drawing a hand of cards from a shuffled 52-card deck and using them to activate the abilities of their equipped items. These items have specific requirements, such as needing a pair, flush, or certain card values, to trigger their effects. This creates a tactical minigame where players must assemble the right poker hands to unleash devastating abilities, while also anticipating and countering the card-powered attacks of their opponents.

❤ Diverse Hero Roster

The game offers over 20 unique playable characters, each with their own starting equipment, special abilities, and distinct playstyles. For example, the Toad Knight focuses on direct damage and status effects, while the Ninja excels at rapidly drawing and manipulating cards. This variety encourages experimentation, as players can approach challenges using vastly different strategies depending on the hero they choose.

❤ Procedural Dungeon Crawling

The game world features a series of branching paths and randomly generated encounters, providing high replayability. Players must carefully navigate this ever-changing landscape, balancing the risks and rewards of different routes in order to maximize their chances of success and reach the final confrontation.

❤ Incremental Progression

Between runs, players can unlock new heroes and purchase permanent upgrades using resources earned from completed attempts. This meta-progression system allows players to gradually strengthen their capabilities, offsetting some of the challenge inherent in the randomized runs. However, the game still maintains a high level of difficulty, rewarding players who develop a deep understanding of the mechanics and can make optimal use of their limited resources.

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