Creme de la Creme

by Choice of Games

The Developer Says...

Climb to the very top of the class at your exclusive private school for socialites! Will you study hard, find a perfect match, or embrace scandal?

Players Like...

❤ Customization and Representation

Players rave about the extensive customization options, allowing them to choose the gender, sexuality, and pronouns of the protagonist. This inclusive approach extends to the side characters as well, giving players the ability to randomize or manually set the genders of non-player characters. Reviewers praised this flexibility, as it enables them to create a protagonist and social circle that authentically reflect their own preferences and identities.

❤ Branching Narrative and Replay Value

The game offers a rich and branching narrative, with numerous paths and story outcomes for players to discover. Reviewers frequently revisited the game to try different choices and see how the story would unfold, highlighting the impressive replay value. Many praised the various romantic options, including the ability to pursue monogamous or polyamorous relationships. Reviewers felt that their decisions had a tangible impact on the story and the relationships they formed.

❤ Balanced Stat System

The game's stat system received generally positive reviews, with players appreciating that stat checks were not overly punishing, allowing them to experiment without feeling penalized for less-than-optimal choices. While some noted occasional confusion about specific stat requirements, the overall consensus was that the stat system was a strength of the gameplay experience.

❤ Engaging Characters and Slice-of-Life Narrative

Reviewers enjoyed the opportunity to build relationships with their classmates, both romantic and platonic, and found the cast of characters to be compelling and memorable. The game's focus on the everyday life of a student at an exclusive private school was praised as a refreshing change of pace, providing a satisfying and engaging narrative that went beyond the typical high-stakes plots found in many interactive fiction titles.

❤ Depth and Replayability

Reviewers highlighted the game's impressive depth and replayability, with over 440,000 words of content and a wide range of possible outcomes. Players felt compelled to revisit the game multiple times to uncover new storylines and explore alternative paths. The game's ability to provide a sense of continuity and progression between playthroughs, such as the ability to improve one's worst academic subject, was also praised as a factor that contributed to its longevity and appeal.

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