Black Book

by Morteshka, HypeTrain Digital

The Developer Says...

“Black Book” is a dark RPG Adventure, based on Slavic myths, in which you play as a young sorceress. Fight evil forces in card-based battles and explore the world, where humans live alongside mythological creatures.

Players Like...

❤ Deck Building and Card Mechanics

Players collect a variety of spell cards, which they can then customize into their own deck to use in battles. The game features a unique card mechanic where each card is either an "order" or a "key", and players are limited in the number of each type they can play per turn. This forces players to carefully consider which card types to include in their deck and how to sequence their plays for maximum effectiveness. The cards themselves have a range of effects, from direct damage to enemies, to status effects that can be stacked for powerful combos. Many cards also have color-based synergies, where playing cards of the same color in the same turn can unlock additional benefits. This encourages players to experiment with different card combinations and build diverse, synergistic decks.

❤ Strategic Combat

During battles, players can see the enemies' intended actions ahead of time, allowing for careful planning and strategizing. Each enemy has unique abilities and weaknesses that players must consider when deciding which cards to play. In addition to the core deck-building mechanics, the game also presents "puzzle battles" that challenge players with special conditions, such as limited turns or fixed decks. These battles require players to think critically and solve the puzzle in order to progress the story. Many players praise these puzzle battles as a refreshing change of pace that adds variety to the combat system.

❤ Demon Management

Players can summon and control demonic entities, known as "chorts", and send them out to harass or attack other NPCs. However, if left idle, the chorts will instead torment the player character. Managing this "sin" mechanic, by carefully assigning tasks to the chorts, adds an additional strategic layer to the game. Players must weigh the benefits of using the demons' destructive powers against the consequences of accruing "sin". This choice-and-consequence system encourages players to consider the moral implications of their actions, rather than simply optimizing for the most powerful gameplay outcome.

❤ Progression and Customization

As players progress, they unlock new spells and abilities to add to their deck. The extensive card pool and deck-building options allow for a high degree of customization, enabling players to experiment with different playstyles and strategies. Additionally, the game's skill tree system allows players to further specialize their character, investing points into various attributes and abilities. This, combined with the card collection, gives players a sense of meaningful progression and growth throughout their journey.

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