Years after a boy genius named Evan disappears, a bizarre letter arrives. Evan wants a girl named Dysis to come find him. As Dysis, you’ll need to solve an intricate series of puzzles to unravel the entire mystery—and bring Evan home.
In Evan's Remains, players take control of the protagonist Dysis and guide her through a series of levels filled with physics-based puzzles. The objective is to strategically traverse disappearing and reappearing platforms to reach the end of each level.
The core puzzle mechanics involve timing Dysis' jumps carefully, as stepping on a platform will cause it to vanish after a short duration. As players progress, the game introduces new elements like switches that control platform behavior, teleportation pads, and momentum-based platforms that require more complex sequencing.
Reviewers praise the puzzle design, noting that the solutions feel intuitive once understood, with the challenge stemming from the player's ability to strategize rather than relying on dexterity. The puzzles start simple but gradually increase in complexity, keeping players engaged throughout.
To ensure accessibility, the developers have included an option that allows players to skip any puzzle they find too difficult. This feature caters to both puzzle enthusiasts and those more interested in the narrative, as the story progresses regardless of the player's success in the platforming challenges.
The integration of the puzzles with the game's narrative is a highlight for many reviewers. New story events and character interactions are triggered after the player solves a set number of puzzles, maintaining a steady pace and keeping the player invested in both the gameplay and the unfolding mystery.
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