
by Decumanus Games

The Developer Says...

Sumerians is a city building game set in ancient Mesopotamia. Attract new citizens and grow by expanding your irrigation system, building walls, palaces, temples and ziggurats. Research new technologies, manage your production, hire workers, and trade.

Players Like...

❤ Free-Form City Building

Players enjoy the free-form, non-grid-based city building mechanics that give them flexibility and creative freedom. Unlike traditional city builders, the game allows players to place buildings and structures without being constrained by a rigid grid system. This enables them to design organic, realistic-looking settlements that are not bound by artificial constraints.

❤ Robust Resource Management

The game's resource management system has received praise from players. It focuses heavily on managing the production, distribution, and consumption of key resources like grain, which serves as both food and currency. Players must carefully balance supply and demand, allocate workers, and invest in infrastructure to ensure their citizens' needs are met. The complexity and depth of these economic mechanics create an engaging gameplay loop.

❤ Unique Sumerian Setting

Players appreciate the historical setting of ancient Mesopotamia and the Sumerian civilization. The attention to detail in the game's aesthetic, architecture, and cultural elements helps immerse players in this relatively underrepresented time period. The sense of authenticity and the opportunity to build and manage cities in this ancient context are viewed as unique and engaging aspects of the experience.

❤ Relaxing, Sandbox-Style Gameplay

Many reviewers highlight the game's relaxing, sandbox-style city building experience. The lack of combat or direct threats allows players to focus on the satisfying process of growing and optimizing their settlements at their own pace. Players enjoy the ability to "zone out" while playing, listening to music or podcasts, and slowly building up their cities. This laidback, open-ended approach to city building is seen as a refreshing change of pace from more demanding or stressful entries in the genre.

❤ Promising Early Access Foundation

While the game is currently in Early Access, players recognize the solid foundation and potential it has demonstrated so far. Reviewers praise the developer's active engagement with the community and the steady stream of updates and improvements. Despite some identified issues, such as performance challenges at higher population levels, the general consensus is that the game shows great promise as a city builder, with the expectation that it will continue to grow and evolve into an even more compelling experience over time.

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