No Time

by Lost in Days Studio

The Developer Says...

Go on a trip through time! Experience the freedom of traveling into any date, hour and minute in time between the years 1 and 2077! Help your best friend Edward in his scientific affairs! Watch out for the Time Agents & avoid yourself!

Players Like...

❤ Time Travel Mechanics

Players can freely travel to any date, hour, and minute between the years 1 and 2077, seamlessly transitioning between vastly different time periods. The game world dynamically changes based on the time period, with the landscape, architecture, and even the characters evolving along with the progression of time. One of the most fascinating aspects is the ability to see and interact with one's own past selves. Players can stalk their previous iterations, leading to hilarious and mind-bending scenarios as they try to avoid creating temporal paradoxes. This unique feature adds an extra layer of depth and player agency, as they must carefully navigate the consequences of their actions across different timelines.

❤ Open World Exploration

The expansive open world, known as Pine Island, offers a diverse range of environments and settings, from ancient tribal settlements to futuristic cityscapes. Players can freely roam and discover new locations, stories, myths, and quests in each time period, providing a sense of exploration and discovery. The open world design also allows players to approach challenges and objectives in multiple ways, encouraging creative problem-solving and experimentation.

❤ Simulation and Progression

The game incorporates simulation elements, such as a full-fledged day and night cycle with weather and seasonal changes, and a dynamic system of procedural family trees, where NPCs marry, have children, and even become criminals based on the economic conditions of the time period. This attention to detail and unpredictability enhances the immersion and realism of the game world.

❤ Crafting and Customization

The crafting system enables players to create various items, including unique weapons and time travel devices, allowing for customization and gaining an advantage in combat or unlocking new possibilities for time travel.

❤ Multiplayer

The recently added multiplayer feature allows players to join their Steam friends and travel through time together in a peer-to-peer environment, adding a new dimension to the time travel experience.

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