Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

by Trese Brothers

The Developer Says...

Squad tactics heist RPG! Clever stealth, strategic combat, unique 23rd-century cyberpunk. Build your crew of hackers, mercs and malcontents wisely; their stories will become interwoven with your own. Use powerful cyberware, faction connections, and more to outsmart the odds & determine your future.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

The game features a deep and satisfying tactical turn-based combat system. Players take control of a squad of specialized operatives, each with their own unique abilities and skill trees. The combat revolves around carefully planning each move, using cover effectively, and coordinating your team's actions to outmaneuver and outgun the enemy. The combat system goes beyond the typical "shoot once, move once" approach, with characters having action points they can use for a variety of actions. This allows players to decide how to best utilize their limited action points each turn. The initiative system also adds complexity, enabling players to manipulate the turn order to their advantage. The range of abilities and skills available to each class opens up a wealth of tactical options. Players can utilize stealth takedowns, hack security systems, and employ an array of offensive and defensive abilities to overcome challenges. Upgrading and customizing these abilities through the skill trees further enhances the strategic depth.

❤ Stealth and Heat Management

The game places a strong emphasis on stealth and heat management. Players must carefully navigate environments, avoiding detection and silently taking out enemies when possible. The "heat" system tracks the attention drawn by the player's actions, with increased heat leading to more reinforcements and security measures. This forces players to balance their approach, deciding when to engage in combat and when to prioritize stealth and avoidance. Mechanics such as sound-based detection and the ability to use diversions provide tools to manage the heat level and plan infiltrations. Successful stealth not only makes missions easier, but also reduces overall "heat," opening up new opportunities and making future jobs less risky. The interplay between stealth and combat, and the need to adapt to changing situations, is a core part of the gameplay loop.

❤ Faction Relationships and Reputation

The game features a complex system of faction relationships and reputation management. Players must navigate the web of corporate interests, underground contacts, and rival groups, choosing which jobs to accept and which alliances to cultivate. Decisions made during missions, as well as the player's overall performance and reputation, can have far-reaching consequences. Gaining the favor of certain factions can unlock new opportunities and resources, while angering others can make future jobs more difficult or even impossible. This strategic layer adds an extra dimension, as players must carefully consider the long-term implications of their actions. Balancing faction relationships, managing heat, and building a reputation as a reliable (or feared) operator are crucial to success.

❤ Customization and Progression

The game offers a deep character customization system, allowing players to create a unique team of operatives. From visual appearances to skill trees and cyberware augments, there are numerous ways to tailor each character to fit a specific playstyle or role within the squad. The progression system features meaningful upgrades and abilities to unlock through the skill trees. As players invest in their characters, they can gradually build towards specialized roles or multi-class combinations, further expanding the tactical options available. This customization and progression system, combined with the game's replayability and branching storylines, encourages players to experiment with different team compositions and approaches, adding to the overall depth and longevity of the experience.

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